General Assembly Website: Metro Pages


The previous version of GA's metro-specific pages were inconsistent, contained limited information, did not allow for customization by local market directors. These pages had low engagement and enrollment rates. Our objective was to redesign this page to address the new customers at the top of the funnel. The goals were primarily to improve engagement, increase leads to enrollment, and promote brand awareness. 

Rethinking Navigation for Purchasing —

We began with reconsidering the way people make purchase decisions on the General Assembly website. Most users are interested in understanding what GA has to offer in learning opportunities; they are also curious about what’s happening offline in their local markets. This brought us to consider our main navigation and how to showcase our physical campuses (one of our main differentiators from competitors). 

Navigation optimized for the user seeking experiences offline in their local market

Redesigning the Local Markets' Pages —

Previous versions of local market pages were limited to a list of events and courses. Our approach to updating these pages are based on framing a new customers journey, introducing them to recent updates, events and courses offered, and details about campus and student life.

Our metrics prioritize leads and new to file customers. The high level strategy for optimizing leads on metro pages is to provide several relevant instances as contextual actions for the user. The hypothesis is that relevant and timely leads capture improves the UX and therefore will garner acquisitions.

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Wireframe for Metro Page Template Design